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"You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving."
- Amy Carmichael

Greg and April

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Greg Housel and April Housel (was Fredman)
October 5, 2002

Hi! Welcome to our wedding website. We are so excited that you have decided to visit.

We hope that these few pages will help you get to know our friends and family involved in our wedding and provide you with all of the ceremony and reception details.

We also wanted to provide you with some brief highlights of our relationship for those of you who are not familiar with “Our Story.” Take a moment and find out how Greg and I met and learn exactly how he popped the big question!

For those of you needing to make travel arrangements, please click on “Guest Info” for a list of suggested lodging (we have some rooms blocked at two hotels in the area) and activity options in and around Cumberland, MD. Please remember to book your accommodations early as rooms fill up quickly in October due to White Water Rafting and Kayaking Events. Plus, it is Frostburg University’s Parents Weekend so rooms are sure to sell out quickly.

Finally, please enjoy our site and feel free to say hello by clicking on “Contact Us”.

See You on October 5th!!!


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