





| "Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a Heaven in Hell's despair." - William Blake
Lori Staggs and Dave McDaniel December 21, 2002
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We hope that this page makes it more convenient for you if you choose to send us a gift, but we want you to know that the best present it your presence. Your love and your support mean more to us than any gift you could ever purchase.

1st Bedroom Colors | Forest Green |
1st Bathroom Colors | Forest Green and Burgundy |
2nd Bedroom Colors | Country White and Blue |
2nd Bathroom Colors | Navy Blue |
Kitchen Colors | Forest Green and Burgundy |
Living Room Colors | Forest Green and Burgundy |
Dining Room Colors | Cherry Wood |
China Pattern | Pfaltzgraff April |
Crystal Pattern | Marquis Laurent |
Cash gifts will be used to purchase our first couch!
 Target We have registered at Target for many basic household items.
Marshall Fields We registered at Marshall fields for our china, crystal, and some other items.
Sears Dave registerd at Sears for tools!
 Folding card table (We couldn't find one at the stores)
 http://www.bandbmidwest.com/ If you would like to give a gift towards our honeymoon, feel free to purchase a gift certificate for a bed and breakfast for us at B&B MidWest Reservations.
 P.O. Box 667 Hales Corners, WI 53130
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866 visitors since October 21, 2004 | |