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"Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence."
- Vincent Van Gogh

Dave and Amy

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Dave Simon and Amy Vredenburgh
May 3, 2003

Dear Friends and Family,

Well, the time is going fast and soon we'll be reciting our wedding vows to one another.  We are so excited and can hardly wait.  There's something terribly amazing and totally euphoric about identifying your life-long partner and soul mate.  

By now you know we're planning to be married in Key West, Florida on May 3, 2003.  You may wonder why we have chosen Key West as our destination and the best we can to do to explain it is to say that it is a place where our souls come together and we find peace.  We have truly fallen in love with Key West and can't think of a more appropriate place to begin our journey together.

Some of you will be joining us and others will opt to stay home and attend our celebratory reception back here in Binghamton, New York.  Either way, we hope you know that you are in our hearts and we love each and every one of you very much.  So many people have contributed toward our happiness, both before and after we found one another, and we thank you for that.

God Bless and please have a look around our website.  It's still under construction, so please be patient.

All our love and heartfelt thanks for your support,

Dave and Amy


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