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"Love must be as much a light, as it is a flame."
- Henry David Thoreau

Dave Simon and Amy Vredenburgh
May 3, 2003

Our Story
It was a warm summer day and Dave was a new employee of the Children's Home.  I was in my office awaiting the arrival of this Dave Simon fella, preparing my 5-minute educational bit about the performance improvement program I managed.  David was escorted in by the employee who oversees training at the Agency and when I looked up from my paper I was speechless and I knew!  I was instantly aware of his fine features, his gentle eyes and his warm smile.  Needless to say, I gave an awful overview as I was soooooo nervous.

Several months passed and eventually David asked me to join him for drinks after work.  I told him I couldn't at that time.  In the meantime there was a whole lot of playful talk about basketball teams (GO SU) and we both knew the connection was there.

Eventually there was a work function we both attended and the rest is history.  We've been inseparable ever since.  He's the love of my life and my life-long soul mate.  We've had trials and tribulations, but we've found nothing we can't overcome.  We've come to understand that 2 Gemini's together are totally unstoppable!

Dave and Amy


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