




Proposal Stories

Siobahn & Gene
Gene & I had been together for 2.5
years last September. His job requires him to travel
to Manhattan from our home in upstate NY regularly.
While I was at home battling with chemo and sick as a
dog, he was at the World Trade Center on the morning of
September 11, 2001.
That day made me realize how much
he meant to me. I knew I didn't want to lose him. If
he made it back to me alive, I wanted to marry him.
Gene, however, had other ideas. He always told me he
didn't want to get married again and was quite adamant
against it. We weren't planning on having any children so
there was not that much reason, in his opinion, to wed.
In January of 2002, we met with our financial planner
to discuss our strategy for investments and whether we
could retire early as we planned. I was late getting
home from work (as usual) and was introduced to our
financial planner who congratulated me. I was puzzled
but I let it pass. He went on to explain that he was
congratulating me on my upcoming marriage. Of course,
I answered "To whom?". So, actually, the financial
planner proposed. I was stunned, to say the least.
Gene actually went so far as to get the financial
planner to give me the engagement ring several weeks
later! I keep expecting him to be the one saying "I
do" in October!
Do you have a proposal story that you would like to share? Share your story with us!
Want to read more proposal stories? Check these out:
Sara and Mike
Suzie and Pablo
John and Kristy
Ruth Ann and DJ
Amanda and Jody
Clint and Michelle
Jason and Michelle
Kevin and Julie
Dave and Lori
Matt and Kelly
